What lawn pests will Organic Insecticide for Rose & Flower control or prevent?
As a garden pest treatment, this product will control pests including Aphids, Thrips, Scale, Japanese Beetles, Mealybugs, Scale, and more.
How much Organic Insecticide for Rose & Flower should be applied for best results?
After determining the treatment area, we recommend applying the entire 16 oz bottle for up to 12,000 sq. ft. Treatment should take about five to six minutes to empty the solution over the treatment area.
How does the Organic Insecticide for Rose & Flower get rid of bad bugs while keeping good bugs safe?
When Organic Insecticide for Grass, Trees & Shrubs is applied, the plant becomes inoculated with the naturally occurring bacteria. The pest then feeds on the plant and gets a dose of the bacteria, which stops feeding or molting, then dies naturally. Beneficial insects feed on the pests, but don’t get enough of a lethal dose of the bacteria for it to affect them because it does not have any effect on insects in the Hymenoptera family.